When I got home Tatatoes and Tanatoes were fast asleep, so I too went back to bed. It was not difficult to fall asleep, as my morning experience was so much like a dream! By the time we finally started stirring it was well past eleven, and the sky had become overcast. I had a little wonder with Tatatoes around Stockbridge, and we spent an immoral amount of money on cheeses and bread. After that I took Tatatoes to Leith, to have a look at the port. He was fascinated by the rotating bridges, once used to let the ships in and out of the docks. These times are long gone, the docks have been filled in and the machinery is covered in thick layers of paint, but it is still there to be seen by the trained eye of an engineer.
At Princes Street Gardens the crucifiction was complete, the Romans were still hanging around the cross but Jesus and the disciples were already on their way to the minibuses.
We spent the evening and Kay's bar, trying local ales and whiskies; I am much more knowledgable now that we've been to Edradour, and the barmans were forced to consult their 'whisky bible' more and more frequently as they were struggling with my questions. Perhaps they are secretely relieved they only have one more month of putting up with this!
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